Tulloch Lake and Reports

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Saturday, February 17th, 2001

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    Water Temp: 48-51

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: I too ished the CVBC club tournament. Started by the bridge on the right bank and worked out to the point. About halway down partner sticks a 2.6#er on a DUH Purple Magic jig with a brown plastic pork trailer. Second ish or him came o a ledge on the point. Ledge was in 10 eet o water, dropped o to 30-40 eet. Fish picked it up on the all a nice 2.8#er. All largies. As or me, zippo.
    City: Belmont

    Tips: Drag your lure slowly

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    Water Temp: 49-50

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Ditto or me on the CVBC tourney. Managed just one ish each or me and my partner. Both were smallmouth in the Green Creek arm on jerk baits. Mine came on the 3rd or 4th cast o the day out o a laydown on the irst twitch. Partner's ish came o a chunk rock bank. Several o the ish that the winner caught came out o the Green creek arm on small plastics on darter heads or split shot. We tried to duplicate, but no luck. His no boat could only manage one ish. The winner boated approximately 10 ish i I remember correctly. He had both lg. mouth and smallies.
    City: Newark

    Tips: Until the weather stabilizes, go small and slow ater irst light. Try 10-20 eet or spawning smallmouth.

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    Water Temp: 49'

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: I also ished the CVBC club tourney saturday. Hey, I thought this lake was "back on"? Anyway, been ive years. Started on a slopey point on the main lake. Everything looked promising, weather,water, etc. except the ish wern't cooperating. Finally nailed a at little 10" smallie, down-shotting in 40', on a little green worm. Threw jigs, cranks, splitshot with no luck. Went to back o Black Creek arm , ound nice points to 30', and weeds in 18'. Got a 1.3 splitshotting a 6" purple worm. The only other thrills I had was setting on the numerous weeds. Finished 5th with one ish. Winner,"Doug O" seemed to ind some pre-spawn smallies in the other creek,"Green something"?, and caught several ish.PS, anyone looking or a good tow veh. mine is or sale in the want adds.
    City: San Leandro

Tuesday, February 6th, 2001

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    Water Temp: 47-50

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Lake really came up this week, ound bait at 60-85 eet, hard to catch bass,talked to locals and they didn't have any good news. Saw a couple o ish caught,but they cleaned them,and took them home.

    Tips: Drain the lake and make a gol course........

Sunday, October 15th, 2000

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    Water Temp: n/a

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: started @ sun up with small spook and picked up 2 keepers. lots o small ish but they went into hiding ater the sun came up. they held deep in the hydrilla or whatever it's called. all in all a beautiul day to be on the water. haven't ish this lake enough to give mysel any consistency. i anyone has suggestions, i'm open.
    City: denair

    Tips: ull moon may have aected the daytime bite but early the ish were aggressive. ish along the weed lines close to deep water.

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2000

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    Water Temp: 73

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Fished Tulloch 8-21-00. Got a late start. Started ishing or trout upriver near the bouyline around 12:30pm. No trout, but there was a 4 pounder loating belly up barelyalive. Started ishing or bass around 2pm. Caught 2 shakers one was about 7", the other about 11". One caught o a blue/silver rattletrap, the other a live minnow. Missed one o the rattletrap as it jumped, and spit the lure out. Missed another in the green springs arm o a lur jensen topwater. Beautiul day, light boat traic.

    Tips: The rattletrap seemed to get the most intrest. I'd stick with it!!!!!

Saturday, August 19th, 2000

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    Water Temp: 70

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Smart move heading down here rom New Melones, the bite on this lake was awesome both through out the day and at night. Started o in the morning tossing jitterbugs and spooks, the smallies took to the Jitterbug but nothing on any other topwater. Then we tossed 4" 9S green melon variety & 9J SENKOs in smoke. The largemouth hanging round the docks and the jet skit cement launches were really eating up the green, the smallies were taking to the smoke 9J all day, everywhere on the lake. Then ished a number o rock piles with a 1/4 & 3/8 oz R&B Smally jig with a Yamamoto 157 twintail trailer and proceeded to catch tons o smallies rom 1-3 pounds. Then around 5:00p got on a good popper bite in the backs o coves that had lat banks with big grass beds. The key was a three pop, let it rest cadence, biggest went about 5.5 pounds. Ater a short break and some dinner, we rigged ole Besse up er night duty and respooled with some 20# BigGame, lorescent line. Tied on the 3/8 oz Smallie jig and went to work on the main lake near Poker Flat, had a great time catching two pound smallies. Then at around 11:00p, the moon peeked over the hills and we went to a northern bank and spanked the large mouth that had moved up to eed. Caught a number o 3-4 pound large mouth and a couple o smallies to 3 pounds, most o the ish though were in the two pound range.
    City: Oakley

    Tips: Just go ishing here at this pond, It is by ar my avorite summer time lake, the bite here is always wide open due to the nature o the lake. It's a quality blackbass ishery and has a ew trophy smallmouth, not to mention and abundance o both species. The water is 10 degrees cooler than New Melones as the lake is illed rom the bottom o New Melones via the power plant and damn. The ish here are always shallow and easy to target and pattern through out the entire lake. The love jigs, cranks and topwater. Oh yeah, and we ound out they love 4" SENKOs too! It's a 24 hour pond this time o year.

Tuesday, August 1st, 2000

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    Water Temp: 81

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Fished the evening in Black Creek. Fishing is very slow or anything but small blacks and smallies. Lots o bait but no decent topwater ish. Our ish came split shotting 4" plastics and dart head grubs in the grsss. Best ish went 2lbs.O the water at 9pm due to poor bite.
    City: Sonora

Saturday, May 13th, 2000

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    Water Temp: 59 to 62

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Clovis Bass Club had 13 boats ishing, 26 anglers. Only 34 ish were weighed in or 57.83lbs. Water was super clear, 20t visibility in some spots. Water level was rising ast, about 1t per day till ull or summer. Lots o quality ish were still on beds, but i you saw them it was too late to catch em. Green lake grubs on jigs seem to be the trick or just a grub loated across the grass beds. Some reaction ish in the morning, most guys were throwing rips or jerks.
    City: Clovis

    Tips: Stick with grubs on jigs and throw ar. Don't be araid to throw right into the grass, sticks or whatever structure you ind. The ish were there.Good Fishing.

Sunday, April 30th, 2000

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    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Fished FBC Tourn sunday. caught 2 on plastics. very tough bite. lots o bass on beds. partner caught limit with 2 smallmouths. largest ishes (2) were over 8lbs. Pro worms were the ticket.
    City: Fresno

    Tips: Water very clear. temp ga was broken.

Saturday, April 8th, 2000

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    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Well....how can I put this.....I have NEVER been to a nastier,more disgusting,pig-stye o a so-caller campground/marina in my lie as the one at the "south shore".Where to start....payed $45.00 or the suppossed better "cabana" campsites and 2 vehicles.The groundcover was sand burrs and there wasnt enough room or a pickup to park between the road and the cli to the lake.Boats and thier trailers are not allowed at your sight,your $30,000 bass boat has to stay tied up at the courtesy docks overnight and your trailer dropped in the parking lot which is so unlevel you have to use rocks to block the tires to keep it rom rolling into the lake. The bathrooms were nastier than any you can imagine....the new 5 lane ramp they brag about.....closed...only 2 lanes were open and as soon as your trailer went in the water it dropped a oot...one ender under water,one out.The docks around the courtesy ramps are rotten and about to sink....in case you cant tell I was ar rom thrilled with this joint!You would think or that kind o money you could at least have a toilet thats been cleaned since last summer....guess not!All in all this place is a JOKE to say the least and my happy ass wont be going there again!Fishing was ok...we didnt know the lake since it was our irst time (and last),I just cant athom what this place will be like ater the summer rush....hey olks get your butts outta those gol carts,don some rubber gloves and give your PAYING customers what they payed or!SEE YA! Tight lines to You all.
    City: Chowchilla

Tuesday, April 4th, 2000

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    Water Temp: 65

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Boy oh boy, the bass were biting today. Caught 3 large mouth over 3 lbs accross rom the campgrounds. And about 6 between 1 and 2 lbs. Was using castmaster lure and minnows.The guy who complained about the campground should try the hyatt regency accross the street.
    City: Walnut creek

Sunday, March 26th, 2000

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    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: We ished near the Kiva o the bank rom 5:30PM untill duskWe caught three ish one about 2# the other two about 1#. The ish were shallow between 2' and 10'. I you know anyone that ishes Tulloch on occasion tell them about this web page so we can get better participation.
    City: Copperopolis

    Tips: We used 4" Blue gill worms bounced along the bottom.

Saturday, January 29th, 2000

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    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    City: Jamestown

Sunday, September 19th, 1999

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    Water Temp: 69

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: On Sunday,a 9 year old boy named Daniel Downey rom Modesto,Ca caught a 7 lb. black bass! What a beauty! Good job Daniel!!
    City: Jamestown

    Tips: He caught it up the river on a rubber rog o some kind.

Saturday, September 11th, 1999

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    Water Temp: 71-73

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Fished early am to 1530hrs. We started with shad imitation jerkbaits and caught mostly small ish. The baby bass are everywhere. Found some better ish in green springs. The water drops during the night and starts to ill back up at 1430 hrs. Ater green springs we went to back o Black creek lipped and bladed tules or more keeper size ish. Our best ish was 3 1/2 lbs. (rom tules)
    City: OAKDALE

    Tips: For numbers throw shad imitations (like TD minnow) For size lip plastics like hogs. Evening bite is best; with water up the ish move up get a little more aggressive.

Saturday, September 4th, 1999

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    Water Temp: 75

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Well, I could lie and tell you all we killed at Tulloch, but that would be a ish tale. What a tough lake. Thanks or the replys to my earlier post. All I can say is we through everything and the ish in that lake don't want to bite. Lots o ishy looking structure but very little action. Most o the ish we got on top water, buzz baits and jitter bugs. Had more action at Melones the one aternoon we pulled out and went up there. Buzz Bait action there as well. Be sae.
    City: Livermore

Saturday, August 28th, 1999

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    Water Temp: 72-78

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: We had a night tourney or the Tri-Valley Bassmasters. I haven't ished this lake in over ive years. Man has it changed!!! More homes and nice ones too. Well ater watching all the skiers ski in the 5mph zone we were able to catch ish on poppers and buzzbaits. We only caught 3 ish or the irst weigh in but it was enough to take the lead. My partner and I then decided to switch to plastics/jigs and lip/ pitch docks. The bite turned on between 1-3am. But was still pretty slow. We inally inished our limit at 6am. well we ended up with 15.14 lbs due to 2 dead ish and still managed to win. It was tough nite but two o our club members brought in ish over ive lbs.
    City: Livermore

    Tips: I stuck with my conidence baits because i really didn't know the lake. When it's hot throw a buzzbait !!!

Monday, August 23rd, 1999

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    Water Temp: 78to72

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: We had a club ishout saterday night, wish I could say I won but not a chance. The two guys that did well were throghing spinnerbaits with vary larg blades in black creek.(Thats unny so was I)They caught ish all night, The guy who took second had a 6lb kicker.I dont think I was ishing the same lake. Anyway the bit was prety bad I took 6th with only 3 ish or 4.2lbs (maybe I shouldnt have let my name) well i you want to go to tullock and do a little night ishing dont ask me what to do I'm still in the dark!!
    City: san jose

    Tips: Try large black spinnerbaits with #6 or #7 colorado blade in the weeds in the back o black creek

Saturday, July 24th, 1999

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    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Slow or Bass. dinks only.
    City: red lodge

    Tips: Put on a panther martin. cast out, let sink. Catch a ewgood rainbows. Got one into the boat, 17" about a # and a hal. Better than nothing! (inlet end o the lake)