Ruth Lake and Reports
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Thursday, March 18th, 2004
Water Temp: 45 to 50
Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)
Report: South end of the lake is fairly clear (3-4 ft). North 2/3 is muddy.Water temp was 45 at 9:00am but warmed up to 50 on large flat at south end of the lake in the pm.Tryed spinner baits,soft plastic,spoons and crank baits. grand total was one trout.. no bass seen on the flat.Still to early for good bass at the was warm and the wind came up after noon..
City: Eureka
Tuesday, February 3rd, 2004
Water Temp: 40-50
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: Tough day. Bass are not ready yet. 5 hours o tossing various patterns yielded only one keeper, a LMB. Great day on the lake though. Except or a little wind in the early morning, lake lat most o the day. Frost remained on the shadded areas in the p.m.
City: Fortuna
Wednesday, January 21st, 2004
Water Temp: 52
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: Arrived at the Marina about 9:15 a.m. with 36 degrees air temp. Lake surace was lat with only a slight breeze now and then all day. My irst cast with a new G.Loomis "drop shot" rod that I bought at Mad River Outitters in Arcata, netted a 2 lb. LMB on a 4" Green Weene. I thought this was going to be a great day at Ruth. The lake to mysel, turned out that I didn't get another bite until 3 p.m. when a trout attacked that same worm. First trip o the year started with some excitement and turned out to be a nice day on the lake.
City: Fortuna
Thursday, July 3rd, 2003
Water Temp: 69
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Started at about 6:30 Am. Fished rom boat using natural color Dead Ringers ished on Drop Shot rigs. Found Smallmouth Bass right away along shore in about 5-10 eet o water. Fish were in the 1/2 pound to 1 1/2 lb range.Caught numerous smallies and some LMB up to 1 1/2 pounds. LMB hit Yamamoto Sinkos in watermelon color. As day progressed we migrated to the south end o the lake and started picking up more smallies on the west side in deeper water down to about 20'. Caught one 6 pound LMB at about 4:30 Pm across rom Ruth Rec Campground. Fish hit all day, although it was slower during the mid day heat. Had to leave at 7:30 Pm but ish were still biting. Wind picked up during the day and didn't subside much even in the evening, but along west side it was ishable.
City: EurekaTips: Natural colored plastics seem to work best. Yamamoto lures worked best or LMB except or the one 6 pounder. She took a dead ringer ished Deep and slow. Used 8 pound line. Heaveier line spooked them .
Wednesday, May 7th, 2003
Water Temp: 43 -46
Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)
Report: Started at about 0930.tryed various areas o the lake,points,wood,banks,rocks,no ish untill about 2:00 pm at south end o lake in 4 to 8 eet o water. missed 3to4 bass caught 2 bass 1 1/2 to 2lb smallmouth & 4 trout. wind inally blew us o the lake at 4:00pm
City: EurekaTips: white spinner baits and paddle ry lures.
Tuesday, March 18th, 2003
Water Temp: 52-56
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: Lake at spillway level. Water rolling over spillway. 36 degree air temp at the marina at 8:15 a.m. Weather calm in a.m. with a mid-day windy chop. Metered ish but could not get a bite. Caught one LMB, 1lb. 8oz. on a darterhead worm mid-morning. Otherwise, nice day boating on the lake.
City: Fortuna
Saturday, March 8th, 2003
Water Temp: 48-49
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Fished Sat aternoon. Windy. Caught 2 LMB 1 and 2 lbs. Jigs 10-14 t. o rocky pnts. Slowwww.
City: Eureka
Saturday, February 8th, 2003
Water Temp: cold!
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: Hit the upper end about 10 am and ished up to the river inlet with no luck, clear water up there and no ish spotted anywhere. Headed down to Boyscout cove and picked up 6 LMB 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 range. Two on lys and 4 on plastic worms, all ished at a snails pace in about 15 - 20 t on the bottom. Fish were almost white in color and still ought well in the chilly water. Fish started hitting about 1 pm and were still hitting when we had to leave at 3:30. Warmer water later in the day was the trick, in my opinion. Not a bad day all in all and the lake was a sight or sore city wary eyes.
City: Eureka
Wednesday, August 28th, 2002
Water Temp: 71
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: First time on the lake, (went or trout) headed or the dam Wednesday morning. Fish were showing everywhere! From surace to 85'. Lead lined wedding rings w/worm's later green powerbait(anywhere rom 3 to 8 colors out)and had limits in no time. Each ish averaged 14" End o day my stringer weighed in at 6.1 lbs, Buddies weighed in at 5.8lbs (he lost one, so only 4 ish or weighin in at my scale) Had to PUT up with wake boaders! They thought it'd be un to "buzz" the ishermen. (us and another boat)Very inconsiderate! (iggin A$$#$%^&*)The irst 3 days the wind on the lake never let up! Was a constant 30mph+ with gusts that must have been around 50MPH! I you come to the lake on a weekday, be prepared or a wait as the road constuction on the road to the lake is on going. Weekends it seemed to be open as we went right through, no stops. Oh yeah, watch the camp host at the Ruth Recreation area! We deposited our camp ee's ($42) or 3 nights in the "drop pole" but the camp's "oice manager" never recieved our envelope with the cash! We've used cash many times at many other places with no problems. I think the person that gathered the envelopes needed some booze money. PAY with checks to avoid that problem!. Oh, one other issue. CAMPSITES can and will be preempted by reservations! We had no idea, nothing in writting was posted, and NO one ever came to our campsite (like most camp hosts do!) to talk with us. I your planning a stay there, DON'T expect them to come to you, and don't don't be surprized i you ind your site reserved away rom under YOU (like us)i you don't talk to them! We ended up leaving 2 days ahead o our schedule. Forget about First come First served! Okay, I'm done venting......
Thursday, May 23rd, 2002
Water Temp: 60
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: 39 degrees upon arrival at the marina parking lot thursday morning. Fished rom 7:40 a.m. to 12:25 p.m. and caught 6 LMB and 5 SMMB. Tossed topwater early with only one boil and no hookup. Long casts to submerged stumps and rocks with a 4" Magic Worm on a drop-shot rig until about 10 a.m. then casts out over the weed line until quiting. Seven o the eleven ish were keepers, but not much weight. No bite, ish just there. PINCH DOWN YOUR BARBS FOR CATCH AND RELEASE TO CATCH ANOTHER TIME. Warmed up nicely by mid-day, very little wind until that time.
City: FortunaTips: Plan your travel to and rom the lake or get stuck in a two-hour construction delay i coming in rom Hwy 36. Road closed 8 a.m. daily; open at 10 a.m. or one round o traic; open rom 12 to 12:30 p.m.; open at 2:30 or one round o traic; construction stops at 4:30 p.m. I you are lucky enough to have a water truck go ahead o travel, then you get home with a nice muddy boat and trailer.
Saturday, April 6th, 2002
Water Temp: 55-58
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Windy and Chilly, partly cloudy. Fished upper end in the 5mph area. Fish were spooky due to the clear water. Saw very ew ish and caught only six 12" to 15" ish. Five o them with worms on rock piles or stumps in 10' to 15' o water. One on a crankbait in the shallow lats in the aternoon (long cast!) Also one nice trout (dinner!) on a white spinnerbait, go igure! Most others I talked to were having a slow day as well.
City: EurekaTips: Look or the water to warm a bit and the ish to move into a spawning pattern! Should be anytime now. Lots o ry around brush and shallow structure should help the crankbait bite when it warms up.
Saturday, November 3rd, 2001
Water Temp: 66 F
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: 3 buddies and mysel went ishing at Ruth lake on Oct. 27, 2001 at the north end o Hobar Creek and within an hour and a hal we had 8 12" and above rainbow trout and 2 Kokanees. The combined weight o the ten ish was 25.6 pounds. Right now it seems that since the water at Ruth is cooling the trout and kokanee are hitting on the top o the water, making or an enjoyable ishing trip or those o you who have children and want to catch ish! P.S. every ish caught was a wild (non-hatchery)ish, still retaining the adipose in.
City: Mckinleyville, CATips: We tried using live bate with no luck but powerbait on the other hand kept us catching ish about 1 every 5 or 10 minutes or so. I also used a red beaded wedding ring, light action lure and I was slaying them on that also.
Saturday, June 30th, 2001
Water Temp: 81
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Fished a Team Tourney at Roosevelt this weekend and the winning weight was 8lbs.(A single ish) caught on a Buzz bait near Windy Hill.I weighed our ish that barely made three lbs and took home a check.The bite I was on was small iretiger crankbaits in about our ett o water on a lat by Salome Wash.
City: Gold Canyon,Az
Sunday, February 4th, 2001
Water Temp: 46
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Started at 8am ishing jigs and worms near dam water there was 41 no ish, ran to rec water 47 no ish, 2pm ran to ski cove ished break ta 50t and started catching 1-1.5lb ish on binky bugs and ring worms about 15 ish total.
City: EUREKATips: move bait 1" have a cup o coee and move it again.slow slow slow
Sunday, January 7th, 2001
Water Temp: 43
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Caught 12 bass 1 smallmouth and 11 largemouth. All ish were 35 to 45 oot deep. Shaking worms on the botton Texas rigged with a glass bead was the best method. We also caught some using a Hopkins 1/2 oz. spoon. Largest ish was about 1 1/4 lbs.
City: Mad River
Friday, April 28th, 2000
Water Temp: 55-65
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: I just recently went to Ruth lake or a 4 day ishing trip.We had a lot o success.I went there with my two riends ryan and buddy.We all are 14 years old.All together we caught 67 bass.I caught 29 ryan caught 25 and buddy caught 13.It was about a equal amount in between smallmouth and largemouth bass.they werent to big. Our biggest one was a little over two #.all the rest were about a #.the weather was pretty good or two days then the other two were a little rainy.The rainy days were when we caught the most ish.we caught all o our ish either sight ishing with a lting lure or a straight worm that is texas rigged.Those were mostly the smallmouths.Then mostly all o the largemouth bass were caught o a texas rigged straight worm.The two biggest ish were caught o o a renzy crankbait and a texas rigged crawdad.
City: eurekaTips: The best places to ish would be at the little cove at the ruth lake recreational camp ground.the other good spots would be at the little coves in the big cove right across the lake rom the boat rental place.Fish by allin trees or bushes and in ar out in the little coves.Any color worm works i it is a striaght worm and it is not a loating worm .better ishin in the mornings and late in the day.GOOD LUCK
Saturday, September 18th, 1999
Water Temp: 72
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: took the amily out and messed around. caught tons o dinks mostly smallmouths on worms and grubs. all seem to be at dam side o the lake. anywhere rom 15 to 30t. daughter caught the biggest ish a trout on a grub (go igure). didnt try my hardest just had a good time catching dinks.
City: Rio DellTips: weather was warm so bring sunscreen. try anything white i you want your kids to catch alot o ish.
Water Temp: 72
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: took the amily out and messed around. caught tons o dinks mostly smallmouths on worms and grubs. all seem to be at dam side o the lake. anywhere rom 15 to 30t. daughter caught the biggest ish a trout on a grub (go igure). didnt try my hardest just had a good time catching dinks.
City: Rio DellTips: weather was warm so bring sunscreen. try anything white i you want your kids to catch alot o ish.
Sunday, July 18th, 1999
Water Temp: 65
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: djskaskdsaksdksdslakdjksaijasodguioasjgiuwsovgsuadkjsadiujhsdsdjyksdhjisdhkasdhgdshjdgsdgasdhgjdbvjskdhgkasdjgyhsrdlvhdghasdhgsjdhnglskjhg.sahkshshjdshdsjghsgjsdahghsdkgaksghvkhghsldghjhjvjksjdgaeshsldgshlhsjkghdjkghdsjvhdskhgkjvhd;sghasZDgjkhas;jkghk;jashZKJgsdzhkgjgbSDFdsgsdhsd.dsgjhasdghasdghasdg/asd/.g/d/gsdghdshsrhsdghgjdgjsdgjghjghkhghsdjhjkjgdjgj/dkjdhgjgdjdgjd/jdgjdgjdjdgjdgjdxjdgjdg.dgjkhgjdjhdgjdgjdgjgjdgjdgjd.
City: gjghghghdghTips: gdghghghghdghdghdghdrtuyerthsgtnwserdtjnxgtjdgmnx.xgnjxgndgjsgjhgsjn.sgj.zsdgj.dgmndgjsgjsdgjgndgjsxn.
Friday, June 18th, 1999
Water Temp: 65
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: This is a test o the automatic report cgi
City: San JoseTips: lets hope it worksFishing Reports or Ruth Lake