New Melones Lake and Reports

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Date Unknown

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    Water Temp: warm?

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: Fished rom loat boat out o angles launch area. Boy itwas hot in the aternoon! The ish didn't seem to mind toobadly. I caught 3 in submerged trees rom 10-20' on a minnow like worm, split-shottin'. I also hit one ish in a weed patch on a spinner bait.
    City: antelope

    Tips: Bring shade and water!

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    Water Temp: 74-78

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: My buddy and I were on the water by 5 am. I caught a couple on topwaters right o the bat. They were just small spots. I was throwing my baits right on the bank and as soon as I pulled them into the water WHAM!! Since they were running pretty small I used my ultralight pole. That was un!About 7:00 we started puttin' together a pattern o sot plastics on ledges. I ended up catchin' about 15 and my partner got about 5. They ran up to 3-4 lbs. We had the boat over 45 eet and were hookin the ish in about 25 eet.
    City: Sonora

    Tips: Good luck and see ya on the lake tomorrow!!

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    Water Temp: ?

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Went to the lake on Saturday aternoon. Managed to catch six by cranking a big chrome/blue Deep diving crankbait in about 15-20 eet o water in the south side o the lake. Got one dink smallmouth, but the rest were quality Largemouths in the 2lb range. Did not catch a single spotted bass. Was ishing the rocky areas around the dam. Was able to repeat the same pattern Sunday morning getting 4 more quality largemouth (same range - bout 2lbs) in the same area and also had a bonus catch o a nice rainbow trout. All ish were Caught and released. Was o the lake by noon (too hot, too many pleasure boaters)
    City: San Jose

    Tips: Large Deep diving crankbaits

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    Water Temp: 60

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: My partner Ted and I ished saturday.We started @5:00a.m. and went south.near rawhide area we started throwing large bladed spinnerbaits.On the secondcast Ted caught a 4lb. bass.Then we had an hour beore our next bite.Thistime I hooked up with another large bass about 5.5lb's.This time I was throwinglarge tube worms, light green with red lakes.This pattern continued as we wentsouth.We ended up catching 7 nice ish with the smallest around 2.5lb's.Ted caught the largest ish that weighed 6.5lb's c-7 crankbait light green with yellow stripes.He caught it near overlook point.Well I hope these tips help someone else to a great day o ishing.
    City: modesto

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    Water Temp: 60

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: My partner Ted and I ished saturday.We started @5:00a.m. and went south.near rawhide area we started throwing large bladed spinnerbaits.On the secondcast Ted caught a 4lb. bass.Then we had an hour beore our next bite.Thistime I hooked up with another large bass about 5.5lb's.This time I was throwinglarge tube worms, light green with red lakes.This pattern continued as we wentsouth.We ended up catching 7 nice ish with the smallest around 2.5lb's.Ted caught the largest ish that weighed 6.5lb's c-7 crankbait light green with yellow stripes.He caught it near overlook point.Well I hope these tips help someone else to a great day o ishing.
    City: modesto

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    Water Temp: am50.5pm53.5

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: On the water at daylight ran to north end o the lake near Angels creek. Fished 2 hrs beore irst ish 2.0#. Next stop was up the river between the bridges. Two more hrs and only one red eye. Litte wind and blue bird sky ishing was very slow. Headed back down the lake to Mormon creek about 10:30am. Fished another 2hrs no bites. Back to the north end try again. Wind picked and the ish started to bite. Found ish between 40to50t and very sot bite. Landed 4 ish between 2 to 2.5 #'s. About 4pm head back to Tuttletown day use area and picked up 2 more about the same size. Fishing was very tough and the Bite was very sot. GOOD LUCK FISHING.
    City: Oakdale

    Tips: 1 ish on white spinner bait.1 ish on jig. the rest on sot plastic. deep and slow.

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    Water Temp: 50.5am52.5pm

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Launched at 6am headed up river to check the jig bite. Made serveral stops beore irst bite. ound ish between 30 to 40 t. landed 4 ish biggest 4.5#. Headed back to the main lake. First stop was near Angles creek. submerged islands. Picked up 7 more biggest 1.5#. Moved to a couple o points between Glorehole and Angles ramps. Landed 8 more ish up to 2.5#. Can't wait or some warmerweather. GOOD LUCK FISHING
    City: Oakdale

    Tips: Fouund ish deep 30-40t, used 1/4 & 1/2 jigs, also used brush hogs,lizards,4" worms. ish slow and deep.

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    Water Temp: 70

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Fished New Melones on Saturday Aternoon and Sunday morning.Between my wie and I we were able to land 10 ish in the 2 days, all between 12-15". We caught them all on deep diving crankbaits ished on points in the main lake. Was a beautiul weekend to be out on the water, about 80 and calm. The water is so clear, I could see bottom in 20' o water.
    City: San Jose

    Tips: Landed most on the at ree shad (purple back, white belly).

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    Water Temp: 76

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Fished rom 2:00pm to 11:30pm. Lots o traic ank wakes. My partner & I caught 5 13" keepers and about 15 dinks. Keepers came on 082 keeper worms at 13 or so t down the center o trees up river. Rather a poor day, or us anyway. Couldn't get anything to go ater dark.
    City: modesto

    Tips: I wish I could help here, but nothing good to say.

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    Water Temp: 70-75

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Fished WON Tri-States. Had 15.56 or 10 ish. Caught ish on lukes early in Angels Creek. Ater that out better ish were caught on the main lake. Best results on 6"-8" worms carolina rigged. Our ish were holding in 30'.
    City: Bakersield

    Tips: Red or oxblood worms.