Los Vaqueros Lake and Reports


Date Unknown

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    Water Temp: 60

    Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)

    Report: Got to the lake just after 6am. I expected to see nice high water and was hoping to chase the bass up on the flats. Instead I saw a very low lake down atleast 30%. turns out that they are working on the dam. The water was muddy and the wind was blowing. Found some water protected by the wind and picked up a 5lber in about 2 feet of water right at the base of a tree. got another one same size later in the day, same scenario. They both took a baby bass senco. Only bass al day. caught a couple little stripers and a trout on rattle traps. Over all was a good day on the water.
    City: MArtinez

    Tips: Fish this lake during the week. 1/2 price electric boat renatals and light pressure. We saw asome bug stripers bustin on some trout, but couldnt get there in time. Big swimbaits and patience could = some great fishing stories.

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    Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)

    Report: This lake needs as healthy popultion of YELLOW PERCH
    City: Livermore

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    Water Temp: ????

    Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)

    Report: Does anyone have any tips or pointers on fishing these waters??? I'm totally new to this lake and would like some help if possible. What's the best way to fish for stripers,Black Bass and Trout. And where on the lake? I will be renting a boat this coming weekend. Thank you for whoever can help me. --djRMK
    City: Berkeley

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    Water Temp: Cold

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Anybody ished here or bass?
    City: Livermore