Castaic Lake and Reports

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Saturday, June 7th, 2003

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    Water Temp: warm

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: Got out to the lagoon early! Split shotted 4" oxbloods in shallow water. Ater a good two hours no bites. I went to deeper water where there was still hydrilla alomost at the top o the water. I threw a Robo kicker craw and just started busting bass out the weeds. Full limit in 1 hour with a 7lb bass to top all my ive ish.
    City: Granda Hills

    Tips: Fish your plastics "dead slow". Try a 4" bold bluegill kicker craw rom Robo. I you have live shad your getting wide open!!!

Thursday, March 20th, 2003

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    Water Temp: unknown

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: Fished or a couple o hours in the evening and caught a limit. Fish were all emales illed with eggs and getting ready to spawn.
    City: Burbank

    Tips: Splitshotting small plastics.

Sunday, March 9th, 2003

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    Water Temp: 54-58

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: ishing wide open, morning slow on bank caught a ew. once wind starts to blowish outside pockets with dirty waterand 56 degrees or more surace temp. threwsmall 4" plastics, color didn't matter.caught 20-25 more ish rom 1.4-2.8 lbslots o action.
    City: n. hollyweird

    Tips: plastics and small jigs,cranks slow andspinnerbaits

Saturday, January 18th, 2003

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    Water Temp: 60-62

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: Fishing was tough overall. Opened and closed the lake or a total o two small bass. Caught them splitshotting a 4" oxblood worm in about 10'-15'. Fish are schooled deep, anywhere rom 40'-60'. Talked to two dierent bass club and they all seemed to have a hard time too. P.S. Hey Dave, I saw the report on Prostate and I know what you mean. Wait a minute, weren't you the one supposedly ishing with him?
    City: Burbank

Friday, November 1st, 2002

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    Water Temp: ?

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: got to the lake at 7am , launched, went to the dam bout 40 t o, hal way down theres a hole, stopped counting ater about 50 ish. 2 stripers in the 10 lb range, on anchovies. 4in shad reapers or bass, 6lb line, slow, slow. slow.ONE OF THOSE DAYS home by noon. good luck.
    City: bev hills

Saturday, October 19th, 2002

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    Water Temp: 69

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Didn't igure it out till 10:30am, ater itwas a blast, 30 ish. 15 solid keepers 14"-20". Found the shad and instead o throwing at every bustin ish I ished small shadworms rom 4-20 eet.
    City: n. hollyweird

Tuesday, October 15th, 2002

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    Water Temp: not known, warm

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: I never put in reports but I had to ater the day I had yesterday...I started o by bringing my shad net to the upper lake to see about catching some live shad..And low and behold, there was a ton o shad at the boat launch ramp and in every cove I went to..I caught a grip o shad and started ishing right out ront o the boat dock and nailed at least 20-25 ish rom 1&1/2 pounds all the way up to 4 pounds..I caught some more shad and decided to post up on a point with lots o grass/moss...The bass are in the weeds right now and they are schooling up when you ind them...I picked a point where I metered some ish and proceeded to cast in the same spot and catch over 25 ish rom 2 pounds all the way up to 5&3/4 pounds...I landed 30 ish in 2 hours and 4 ish over 5 pounds...I've always hated Castaic, due to I have never caught anything worthwhile(except the 18 pound striper last year) and I am always negative about the lake....Now I am in love and all I have to say is GET THE SHAD!! they are huge right now...between 4-6 inch healthy shad, and the bass cant resist...I just wish I could go to the lagoon with the shad and It would be all over...YESTERDAY WAS THE BEST FISHING DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!! I'm going back riday, I'm the one in the red bomber/ red aluminum boat who is hooking up non-stop...see you out there.....
    City: Huntington beach,ca

    Tips: get the shad or drop senko's next to the weeds.....Deadly!!!

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    Water Temp: not known, warm

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: I never put in reports but I had to ater the day I had yesterday...I started o by bringing my shad net to the upper lake to see about catching some live shad..And low and behold, there was a ton o shad at the boat launch ramp and in every cove I went to..I caught a grip o shad and started ishing right out ront o the boat dock and nailed at least 20-25 ish rom 1&1/2 pounds all the way up to 4 pounds..I caught some more shad and decided to post up on a point with lots o grass/moss...The bass are in the weeds right now and they are schooling up when you ind them...I picked a point where I metered some ish and proceeded to cast in the same spot and catch over 25 ish rom 2 pounds all the way up to 5&3/4 pounds...I landed 30 ish in 2 hours and 4 ish over 5 pounds...I've always hated Castaic, due to I have never caught anything worthwhile(except the 18 pound striper last year) and I am always negative about the lake....Now I am in love and all I have to say is GET THE SHAD!! they are huge right now...between 4-6 inch healthy shad, and the bass cant resist...I just wish I could go to the lagoon with the shad and It would be all over...YESTERDAY WAS THE BEST FISHING DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!! I'm going back riday, I'm the one in the red bomber/ red aluminum boat who is hooking up non-stop...see you out there.....
    City: Huntington beach,ca

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    Water Temp: 70

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: I ished rom 5:00 am till 12:00 pm with not one single hit. I ished the upper and lower lakes. The bass were NOT interested in ANYTHING I was throwing and I changed baits enough to try and establish a pattern. The only pattern I ound was they were NOT interested.I threw a Sammy, buzz, trout , jig, jerk, dropshot, and texas worm....NOTHING.
    City: Glendora

    Tips: Try another lake.

Saturday, October 12th, 2002

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    Water Temp: 68

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: My son and I had a good day on the lake. We caught our ish in 70 eet o water on tail spins. Our 5 ish limit went about 15 Lbs.The biggest was 4 plus. I ound the ish on the graph and then yo yo the bait by them.There was alot o ish working shad in the coves. But I could'nt keep up with them. My 9 year old son heard a splash by the boat, so he through a tail spin and a 17 1/2" ish hit it. I ound most o the ish in the ish arm on points. I could'nt get a worm bite that day or a top water bite. Fish are on shad.
    City: LA MIRADA

    Tips: Fish shad baits.

Thursday, October 3rd, 2002

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    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: what no reports since 8-9-02,does'nt anybody ish any more,lets hear rom you!!.
    City: La Crescenta

Friday, August 9th, 2002

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    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: good day on the water caught ish in 10 to 15 oot o water on a variaty o plastics. caught two over 7 pounds and got 4 nice illets out o them. tossed the rest back to catch another day. best colors seemed to be green weenie color and oxblood.
    City: valencia

Sunday, June 9th, 2002

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    Water Temp: 68-70

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Got out there late in the day and the wind was howling! Very slow day out on the lake... Got 2 ish on plastics but caught a nice sunburn... when it's sunny and windy, don't orget the sunscreen!The weather didn't stop those blasted recreational boaters rom doing 40mph+ on the water going by your ishing spot... where is the lake patrol when you need them!
    City: Oak Park

    Tips: Use a dark, green weeny in about 10-15 eet o water and GO SLOW!... they are still deep during the day... and sluggish.

Saturday, May 18th, 2002

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    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: Fished the lower lake or a ew hours at night. Caught a number o bass to about 3 lbs. Fish were taking my worm aggressively but a ew guys were throwing topwater and not getting hit, still a plastic bite. I had a ew ish rip the worm o the hook completely. Some weeds and moss around but not too bad yet.
    City: Los Angeles

    Tips: Using a 6 inch dark plastic worm with a bigger bullet weight.

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    Water Temp: 64-70

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: Fishing is wide open! Scored 40+ ish to 4.5pounds. Using a split shot rig 18" leader4" worms brown/smoke or washed purple/neonblue vein. Also slugo or luke irst ew hours. Fish are 22 eet to 6" still spawing!
    City: N. hollywood

Thursday, May 16th, 2002

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    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: City: Pacoima

Friday, April 19th, 2002

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    Water Temp: 62

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: Got to irst spot and coast guard pulled up along sideand gave me the option to leave or recieve a speedingticket! Watch it out their! Since those 4 guys killed themselves in that speed boat the lake patrol is enorcing a 35 mph speed limit. I've ished the lake or the last 15 years and have never been harrased! Also your boat will be checked or lie vests,throw cushion and ully chargedire extingisher. I you are missing a item you will not be able to launch.
    City: n, hollywood

    Tips: GOOD LUCK!!!

Saturday, April 13th, 2002

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    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: A very hot day yet the water remains quite chilly. The bass are deinitely biting better and should be red hot shortly i the warm weather continues. The morning bit was the key as I got ew bites ater 12:00 noon. The water is very stained with the dying algae, making bass bed watching all but impossible or now. The bass I caught were very healthy and plump.
    City: Los Angeles

    Tips: Very early in the morning it didn't seem to matter what color or size plastic worm I was using. But as the day wore on my 4 inch Power worm is all they would bite.

Wednesday, April 10th, 2002

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    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: City: LA CRESCENTA

Sunday, April 7th, 2002

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    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: Started ishing in the early morning using drop shot and really nailed them. My partner and I caught about a dozen largemouth with biggest being 4lb. 6oz. and none smaller than 3lbs. They were biting on a 4 1/2" purple worm with a curly tail. Caught them in 10'-20't water throughout the day. It was overcast or much on the morning and slowly burned o by very late morning. Fish had nice guts on them and seemed really close to spawing.
    City: Canyon Country

    Tips: Purple worm on drop shot.