Castaic Lake and Reports

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Saturday, May 24th, 2008

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    Water Temp: 66

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Smaller fish on beds, bigger fish just now showing up, caught 12 in three hours, split shot 6" black curly tail, biggest was 7 1/2. 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM.
    City: Castaic

    Tips: Lower lake is slow, upper is wide open.

Saturday, April 19th, 2008

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    Water Temp: 57-59

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: wacky worm sinko,dark,split shot pearl-purple 4 in curl tail,drop shot small fat worms 4in,brown,slow,lake was windy,inside walls and rocky areas
    City: la canada

    Tips: slow,pressure bite

Friday, April 11th, 2008

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    Water Temp: 57 - 59 Degrees

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Fished Castaic last Friday, weather was pretty warm all day. Wind came up about 8:30 a.m. out of the east. Gusty. Had no luck at all in the ski arm. Did pretty good in the fishing arm. Ended up with 7 fish 1 - 3 lbers (approx 11 lbs total). Picky bite on mojo rig and oxblood worms.
    City: Oak Park

    Tips: Try to get on this bite if you can. Fish are not that big and I don't think that oxblood worm bites are any news flash at this lake. Hey, I'm just a day off hacker up here. I don't fish tournaments. Just some news for fellow hackers.

    Have FUN !!

Tuesday, February 12th, 2008

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    Water Temp: 53-58

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: slow until the sun broke over the mountains. Found a reaction bite near Dry Gulch water was 57-58.5 there mid-day. They wanted the big pointer today w/ long pauses in the wind. Tried worming and jigging for nothing. Hit all the usual spots for nothing. Very tough out there but should break WFO in a couple of weeks. Ended the day with 4 fish for 8-9 lbs
    City: Yorba

    Tips: Find wind and the warmest water and cover this water thoroughly and slowly only caught fish in a 50 yard stretch. Find one fish and there are more there. Tough part is finding them right now!

Saturday, February 9th, 2008

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    Water Temp: 56 Deg

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: Tried the lake on Saturday. Beautiful day for a boat ride but no fish. Ran to a few different spots with jig, Senko and drop shot. Nary a bite.

    Water was clearing some, still a few logs about.
    City: Santa Barbara

Saturday, September 8th, 2007

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    Water Temp: 74-76

    Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)

    Report: there 1st thing. stripers bustin, 4 of dem ate my midsize spook shad pattern. pulled up on 7 bustin fish while drive in main lake both arms. caught 5 bass chaseing medium size pods of shad thrownin wacky worm on surface. only 6 shots at this all day till 1:30. they seem to only want the real thing but if you time it right and fire on the as they bust: patience, patience, patience!!! the'll eat your offering instantly than spit it out! gotta be quick to seee da bite. win some loose some!
    City: north hollyweird

    Tips: pray thing get better

Friday, August 3rd, 2007

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    Water Temp: 76 Degrees

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Up to Castaic Friday 08-03-2007. Fished 9:00 - 6:00 p.m. Water level up a couple feet, they are pumping water back into lake, big white water boils next to north dam. Water temp down a couple degrees. Fish a little spooky this trip no action until mid day. Once again had three bass by lunch time. Best time was mid day to 3:30 p.m. Same as last trip, caught 'em on ... ah what do they call those little things? Anyway ended up with 13 bass, 2 threes, 2 twos and rest one pounders. Best five went 11 pounds. Lots of fun. Not too crowded today, quiet actually.
    City: Oak Park

    Tips: Think 3D and where those bass would be located on structure. No need to get there too early. Have fun!! Watch out for speed boats ... out of control, for sure.

Tuesday, July 31st, 2007

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    Water Temp: not sure

    Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)

    Report: Fished evening from about 7-8:30 (got parking ticket stayed too long) fishing west launch ramp off shore just past first cove. Caught 7lb striper, not much of a fight. Reeled in rebaited and caught 8lb striper right away. Then caught a catfist maybe a pound. Pulled a hat-trick on anchovies. Full moon great to be on the lake in the evening.
    City: North Hollywood

    Tips: Carolina rig for anchovies-short casts in the evening.

Friday, July 20th, 2007

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    Water Temp: 79 Degrees

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Fished Castaic Friday Jul 19th. VC Star report said bass being caught on "Little Miniature Flukes". I found this to be true. Bite better later in day. Had only three bass at lunch time. Two pounders. Nice day not too crowded until the "after work on a Friday brigade" arrived. Had to manuver boat a lot to avoid zany water skiers. Yikes!! Fished until six p.m. Ended up with fifteen bass to 3.5 pounds. Best five went 12 poiunds. Lots of fun!!
    City: Oak Park

    Tips: The "Little Miniature Flukes" bite ... Hey it's happening. Water level down fifteen feet in last couple of weeks. Structure fishing summer pattern. Have fun!!

Friday, July 6th, 2007

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    Water Temp: 77-78

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Fished the Castaic on July 6 and 7. Water temp. was 77-78 and air temp was well above 100 mark.

    On July 6th: no takers on top water (early morning. Total of 19 fish ranging from 1 lb to 3 1/2. Best 5 total weight: 16. Lure: Spider jig, Garry Yamamot Lizar (Green Pumpkin w/blk seed on Texas Rig) Robo worm Prism Shad Color.

    On July 7th: Same temp. as 6th but had low temp on morning. Tow 2 1/2 pounders on top water (Semi American Shad-Wooden)

    Rest of day with Wacky and drop shot (Robo Worm and Yamamoto cut tail) and spider jig. Every color produced.

    Caught 15 fish. Best five weighted 18 1/2 lb. Caught 5 lb on Yamamoto cut tail (watermelon with blk seed).

    It was very hottttttt....but fishing was very good.

    Tips: Fish your way

Thursday, June 14th, 2007

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    Water Temp: 72

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Fabulous action on slow floating jerkbait on early morning and late afternoon. Awesom bites....all day long.
    City: Stevenson Ranch

    Tips: watch your picks up as your lure falls

Sunday, May 27th, 2007

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    Water Temp: 69

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: I went fishing on Sunday, Lake Castaic. We caught about 30 bass with the biggest being 3/lbs-9oz. We pulled into this cove I know of and started in the back to work out, and my partner just stuck a 3/lber at one bush and I threw to the other bush about 6-7/ft away and stuck the 3-9. It was a good fight on 6# test for about 5-10 minuets. Our best five went about 17-19#

    Tips: Experment with colors.

Saturday, March 24th, 2007

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    Water Temp: 56-58

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: Arrived at 6:45 plenty of daylight but lake still closed. Fished for 2 hrs, no bites. Wife hooks first fish at about 10am and after she showed me how to drop shot I kicked her butt. We ended up with 12 fish. Lifeguard said we did better than anyone else. Its been dead but he said there filling the lake fast.
    City: Torrance

    Tips: Take your wife fishing, keeps her out of the malls and you spend more on tackle..remember honey were fishing for two now....

Saturday, February 24th, 2007

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    Water Temp: 51

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: My brother and I caught about 7 fish today. 1st fish came in about 20 feet so we fished 15-20 feet all day. 2 fish came on jigs and the other 5 on worms. Clear sunny day with light winds; mostly calm water all day. Caught 3 first thing early morning; went for about 3 hours without a bite. Caught last 3 in early afternoon.

    Tips: Practice patience, and moving bait slow along the bottom.

Saturday, February 17th, 2007

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    Water Temp: 55

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: very windy,fished ski arm all day,25-30 ft,drop shot robo shads,green and blue,dead stick,partner fished back of fish arm in heavy wind drug jig along the bottom afternoon took appox 12 lbs
    City: la canada

    Tips: drag jigs along bottom 25-30 feet,drop shot small baits,dead stick,move very slow

Friday, February 9th, 2007

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    Water Temp: 51

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: Fished for a few hours from lake opening to 11 a.m. A lot of fish in 15 - 20 feet. 5 bites; 2 fish caught on jigs. With the exception of the 1st hour, stuck with the jig the whole time. The bass kept it interesting by just crushing the jig (thump!). Wish I had more time; bite is getting good.
    City: Santa Clarita

    Tips: Slow crawl over steep rocky banks in 15 - 25 feet.

Saturday, February 3rd, 2007

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    Water Temp: 50

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: On the water at 8. Tried jigs in the ski arm for 2 hours - nothing. Water really low. Moved to Fish Arm; wind approx 10 mph. Caught a 4.1 on the dropshot in about 20 ft. Caught another 2 lb'er in sharon's rest area. Fish seemed to be on steep rocky banks. watched NBW weigh-in. Most fish on woms and jigs in 20 ft.
    City: Santa Clarita

Monday, January 1st, 2007

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    Water Temp: 58

    Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)

    Report: Sorry guys, the last post I made was intended for Casitas, but somehow I accidentally sent it here. Good Luck!!!!
    City: camarillo

    Tips: Proof read before you send a post

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    Water Temp: 58 Deg.

    Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)

    Report: Lake had a strange feel to it like a bomb went off due to the recent wind storm. Docks floating freely, lots of trees toppled over, and fishing real slow. Fish went real deep. Seems as though they were on the shad at 30+ feet. Missed two short strikes on flukes fished deep but other than that no other action. Did see alot of guys throwing swim baits but did not see if they were doing any good.
    City: Camarillo

Friday, December 29th, 2006

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    Water Temp: 56 degrees

    Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)

    Report: Bite was slow. Fish were on rock. No reaction fish. We didn't see any shad boils or bird action. The lake is LOW, and there's lots of structure to see.
    Active fish were on the bottom, or tight to walls.
    City: los angeles

    Tips: Fish slow. Bite can be just a pickup.