College of Bass Off to a Great Start
Kevin VanDam, one of the winningest anglers in history, has been providing viewers with tips, tricks and techniques to catch more bass on Plano’s Facebook page.
Cold Weather Fish Die Off
Some of the cold weather die offs on the coast and on the lakes have sure been hard to see.
2021 Kick Off | Piru Lake March 6
Well it's been a hard few months but we finally have the go ahead to start up the season.
Series kicks off this weekend
Now, heading into its third season, it may be the most prestigious kayak tourney trail in the country.
Crab snaring off the Jetti in Bodega Bay VIDEO
Catching crabs at Doran Beach in Bodega Bay with Josh from Infinite Bassin
End Use of Drift Gillnets off California
House Approves Legislation to End Use of Drift Gillnets off California
WWBT 2021 Season Kick Off
The lake will be off-limits Monday 12/14 to official practice which begins at sage light Friday 12/18. Contestants may not be on the lake that Monday until Friday at safe light.
60% off Holiday Sale
Fishing shirts, shorts, performance shirts, jackets and fishing hats up to 60% off
13 and 11 pounders kick off Day 1 of YAMAMOTO BIG BASS
Glass slick water coupled with a perfect falling tide, produced some unbelievable bass ...
Rainy Day Time-Sucks That Pay Off
We all know that bass often bite better under overcast or rainy conditions, so referring to downtime as “rainy days” is something of a misnomer.