Current California Ocean Recreational Fishing Regulations
This summary of current regulations was updated on September 16, 2023
Two recent years of unusually high ocean temperatures
Larvae produced by black rockfish, a linchpin of the West Coast commercial fishing industry for the past eight decades, fared better during two recent years of unusually high ocean temperatures than had been feared, new research by Oregon State University shows.
PFMC Recommends Closure of 2023 Ocean Salmon Fisheries
Today, the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) acted unanimously to recommend a full closure of California’s commercial and recreational ocean salmon season.
NOAA Ocean Guardian Youth Ambassador Program
NOAA Fisheries West Coast Are you a young person passionate about the ocean and the natural environment?
San Francisco Bay Ocean Fishing
Breaking down the gear selection for ocean fishing in the San Francisco Bay with Optimum Baits
Magical Ocean Adventure
The authentic coastal experience begins when a family exits the Magic Kingdom.
Ocean Salmon Fishery Set To Open April 2
Openings for north of Point Arena will be determined in mid-April.
California’s 2022 Ocean Salmon Abundance Forecast
At the annual Salmon Information Meeting held virtually today, state and federal fishery scientists presented updates on the numbers of spawning salmon that returned to California’s rivers in 2021 and shared the expected abundance for the upcoming fishing season.
Virtual Ocean Salmon Fisheries Public Meeting Hosted by CDFW
The public meeting will feature the outlook for this year’s sport and commercial ocean salmon fisheries, in addition to a review of last year’s salmon fisheries and spawning escapement.
Recreational Ocean Fishery Openings to Proceed as Planned
Federal regulations establish recreational fishing seasons for California’s ocean salmon, groundfish and Pacific halibut fisheries, following recommendations made by the Pacific Fishery Management Council.
California Ocean Sport Salmon Postponed to May 1
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) today postponed the opening
California's Recreational Ocean Salmon Fishery Opening Delay
Much of the California Coast California’s recreational salmon fishery
Ocean Salmon Fisheries Meetings
The meeting will feature the outlook for this year’s sport and commercial ocean salmon fisheries, in addition to a review of last year’s salmon fisheries and spawning escapement.