Delta Tunnels Back - Voted to spend $141 million on Delta tunnel project
California water agency votes to spend $141 million on Delta tunnel project
Tourism to Lake Mead National Recreation Area
contributed $280 million to the local economy in 2022.
CDFW Completes Release of 23 Million Fall-Run Chinook Salmon
raised at its four Central Valley anadromous fish hatcheries, the Feather River Fish Hatchery, the Nimbus Fish Hatchery, the Mokelumne River Fish Hatchery and the Merced River Hatchery.
NOAA Announces $240 Million for Coastal Habitat
This funding has been made available through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act.
Rep Josh Harder got $10 million for Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion
argest investment in Central Valley water storage in the last 50 years.
Climate and Nature Based Solutions initiatives
CDFW is pleased to announce $8.6 million in new grant funding
$625 Million Approved for Everglades Restoration
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced House Bill 1379 and signed more than $625 Million in state funding for Everglades restoration and water-quality improvement projects.
$3 Million in Scholarships and Prizes for High School Teams
The premier High School Fishing event in the world is slated to be held June 21-24
CDFW Provides Nearly $36 Million for Projects to Save Salmon and Other California Fish and Wildlife Species
Saving salmon and rebuilding their populations for future Californians involves many key actions including investing in and restoring salmon strongholds as climate refugia, increasing partnerships, working with Tribes, doing more large-scale restoration at a faster pace, modernizing old infrastructure and creating fish passage around migration barriers. Today’s awards invest in those types of salmon projects.
1.6 million fall Chinook salmon
This is the first of multiple releases of fall Chinook salmon for release into the Sacramento River system.
CDFW Announces $22.5 Million to Benefit Salmon and Support Critical Habitat Projects Statewide
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) today announced the award of $22.5 million to 19 projects to support the restoration of critical habitat for salmon, climate resiliency, wildlife corridors and wetlands restoration.
$3.6 million for invasive species projects
Michigan awards $3.6 million for invasive species projects The state of Michigan Wednesday announced that 35 projects will share $3.6 million in grants through the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program.
DFW Awards $11 Million for Fisheries Habitat Restoration
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) today announced the selection of 25 projects that will receive funding for the restoration, enhancement and protection of anadromous salmonid habitat in California watersheds.
DWR Now Accepting Applications for $510 Million in Financial Assistance to Support Water Supply Reliability
Yard Transformation, and Migratory Birds
More than 1.5 million walleye sac fry stocked
Unfortunately, the hatchery that supplied them had an aquatic invasive species (AIS) outbreak ...
$13 Million for Coho Recovery Projects on the North Coast
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) today announced the award of funding to an initial 15 multi-benefit restoration and protection projects for North Coast coho salmon recovery under its Proposition 1 grant program.
1.5 million in funding for the Juvenile Salmonid Collection System Pilot Project
Return Salmon to Their Historical Habitat above Shasta Dam