Blaukat on Cold-Water Jerkbait Mistakes Most Anglers Make
It's prime to throw a jerkbait, and while everyone knows they work great when the water is cold, there may be a few things you can do to get more bites this winter, according to Bridgford Foods pro Randy Blaukat.
BAM Anglers Make NBC News
"These events are special in that they're the highest level of official that we have on the west coast," angler Bill O'Shinn said.
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Do Not Make This Mistake During the Prespawn
John Crews shares a mistake to be sure to avoid during the pre-spawn. He also shares some of his go-to techniques during the prespawn. Be sure to check it out, and comment any tips that you have for fishing during the prespawn!
Today is the last day to make your tax-deductible gift for 2023!
In 2022, Restore the Delta not only trained a new generation of advocates, but we enabled them to represent themselves in essential government processes with great accuracy and factual detail.
Best Winter Bass Lure of All Time and How to Make It Better for Cold Water VIDEO
Why it is, How to fish it and Mods to make it even better for winter
Gene Can Make Fish Fins More Like Limbs
Now a study on a modern fish familiar to aquarium enthusiasts has provided new insight into the genetic underpinnings of this transcendent change
Make a Fishfinder out of your phone
STRIKER Cast is a versatile sonar device that anglers can take with them wherever they go. Just cast it out from where the fish are biting that day – the bank, a dock, or even from a kayak
We ALMOST Didn't Make It Back To The Launch Ramp... VIDEO
B.O.A.T.(Break Out Another Thousand) Ep. 2
Gamakatsu's Dry Bags Make Security Easy
Necessities- cell phones, wallets, car keys, sunglasses, extra clothes, snacks, water, rain gear. We all need some way of keeping those things safe, available and out of the weather when we are on the water or in the field. Dry bags, like Gamakatsu's new 10L and 20L Dry Bags, are the answer.
St. Croix Mojo Trout and Mojo Bass Fly Rods feed the flies to the fish that make anglers smile
Good Fly Fishing for Trout and Bass is Easy to Find
Bill would make levee encampments illegal in California
3 sites along a 6-mile stretch of levee that needed repairs and cleared roughly 80 encampments.
Fishing the Ca Delta WWBT Team Tournament VIDEO
Follow us along as we fish the WWBT on the California Delta and race against the clock to catch a fish for points before I have to leave early to make a best friends wedding. ALL IN HOPES to make the TOC on CLEAR LAKE. Did we qualify??!”
Make sure you set your recorder this week
Great timing I will be at Moses Lake next weekend for the Nixon's Marine Invitational.
Teen to make 100K building custom fishing rods ... wants to be a bass pro
I hand build every single rod!