Oil and Gas Leases Ban Could Limit Wildlife Mitigation Efforts
Most of all, a ban of new leasing on federal lands could restrict the ability of Wyoming’s state wildlife agencies to work with proponents to avoid and minimize impacts to fish and wildlife.
Gas Treatment Talk
What is the best gas treatment to keep the gas fresh and to ensure it goes thru my motors without causing a problem
Low-Price 'Regular 88' Gas is Bad for Boats
More E15 ethanol fuel available this Labor Day holiday weekend
Patrick Walters Saves Gas And Wins A Boat In Bassmaster Open On The Red River
While many anglers leave the launch site and drive as far as time and gasoline allow to reach areas where other fishermen aren’t “pressuring” schools of fish.
You Wanted Less Ethanol With Your Gas; But EPA Adds More
This summer, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) asked the public how much ethanol it wanted to be added to the nation's gasoline supply, and recreational boaters as well as many other owners of gasoline engines and vehicles spoke up against increasing ethanol volumes under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). On Friday, EPA set the 2018 RFS at 19.29 billion gallons, a 0.05 percent increase over the 2017 standard. Signed into law in 2005, the RFS requires an increasing amount of biofuels, such as corn ethanol, to be blended into the gasoline supply.
EPA Requests Comments: How much ethanol do you want in your gas in 2018?
The battle to protect your boat's engine is not over. Right now, the Environmental Protection Agency is asking for public comments on the amount of ethanol that must be blended into the nation's fuel supply for 2018, and Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) is urging recreational boaters to speak up and be heard by providing comments at The deadline is midnight August 31.
76 Million Acres Offered in Gulf of Mexico Region-Wide Oil and Gas Lease Sale
U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke today announced that the Department would offer 75.9 million acres offshore Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida for oil and gas exploration and development. The region-wide lease sale scheduled for August 16, 2017 would include all available unleased areas in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico and provide a reduced royalty rate for shallow water leases to encourage exploration and production under current market conditions.
How Much Will it Cost To Fill YOur Boat with Jerry Brown's Gas Tax
How Much Will it Cost To Fill YOur Boat with Jerry Brown's Gas Tax
Lube from the Gas Tank to the Engine | Complete Engine Treatment Demonstration #LucasOil
Lucas Complete Engine Treatment is a unique formulation that cleans and lubricates multiple systems in your vehicle. When added to fuel, it cleans and lubricates all components from the fuel tank to the cylinders. It removes deposits, protects against corrosion and helps the fuel to burn more completely, which helps to lower emissions, improves fuel mileage and increases power. When added to your oil, Lucas Complete Engine Treatment cleans your engine and forms a protective barrier against heat and friction, improves oil flow in cold weather and extends oil life. FOR ALL ENGINES AND OIL TYPES.
BoatUS Asks Boaters to Say "No" to More Ethanol in 2017
THE ISSUE: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is asking for comments on a proposal to increase the amount of ethanol that must be blended into the nation's gasoline supply for 2017. If adopted, these proposed levels will require the use of a record amount of ethanol, forcing higher-level ethanol fuel blends (including E15 or 15% ethanol) into gas pumps and at more gas stations. Most marine engines are built to only work with up to 10% ethanol, and it is illegal to use gas containing more than 10% ethanol in any marine engine.
BoatUS Survey Shows 91% of Boaters Want Ethanol-Free Gas
As boaters head into the Labor Day weekend and fill up their boat's gas tank for one last hurrah of the season, a vast majority say they want ethanol-free gas, but only about half surveyed by the Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) say it is available to them at marinas and gas stations.
EPA Wants to Know How Much Corn You Want in Your Boat's Gas Tank
The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is the 2005 federal law that requires the blending of biofuels such as corn-ethanol into our gasoline. When it was written, it assumed that America's use of gasoline would continue to rise and mandated escalating amounts of biofuels to be blended with our fuel. Since 2005, however, gasoline usage has actually declined steadily, which today forces more ethanol into less gasoline.