EPA urges California to protect Native culture by keeping more water in the Delta
the troubled heart of the state’s water supply
EPA advised the CA Water Resources Control Board on Bay Delta Plan
US EPA Region 9 has filed an administrative comment with the California State Water Resources Control Board.
Civil Rights Complaint Seeks US EPA Oversight of CA State Water Board
Bay-Delta ecological crisis harms California Tribes and Delta EJ communities
EPA to set temperature limits in the Pacific Northwest's Columbia and Snake
Federal judges today sided with environmental groups pressing EPA to set temperature limits in the Pacific Northwest's Columbia and Snake rivers to help endangered salmon and steelhead.
Letter Calls on EPA for Better Labeling of E15 Gasoline
Most consumers are unaware that fuel with ethanol blends exceeding 10 percent are prohibited for use in smaller engines – like those in boats, generators, lawnmowers, and motorcycles – and can destroy these types of engines.
EPA;s Move to Remove Wetlands Protection Faces Opposition
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have proposed removal of Clean Water Act protections for ephemeral streams and intermittent streams and their wetlands.
You Wanted Less Ethanol With Your Gas; But EPA Adds More
This summer, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) asked the public how much ethanol it wanted to be added to the nation's gasoline supply, and recreational boaters as well as many other owners of gasoline engines and vehicles spoke up against increasing ethanol volumes under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). On Friday, EPA set the 2018 RFS at 19.29 billion gallons, a 0.05 percent increase over the 2017 standard. Signed into law in 2005, the RFS requires an increasing amount of biofuels, such as corn ethanol, to be blended into the gasoline supply.
Comments Urging EPA to Stop Adding More Ethanol to the Nation's Gasoline Supply
A sticker on the pump mixed in with all the other labels may be the only warning for E15 gasoline," said Podlich. Most marine engines are built to only work with up to 10% ethanol, and it is illegal to use gas containing more than 10% ethanol in any marine engine.
EPA Wants to Know How Much Corn You Want in Your Boat's Gas Tank
The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is the 2005 federal law that requires the blending of biofuels such as corn-ethanol into our gasoline. When it was written, it assumed that America's use of gasoline would continue to rise and mandated escalating amounts of biofuels to be blended with our fuel. Since 2005, however, gasoline usage has actually declined steadily, which today forces more ethanol into less gasoline.
EPA to Approve California's Newest List of Impaired Waterways
Polluted rivers, lakes and coastal waters need cleanup and restoration plans SAN FRANCISCO — More than 40,000 miles of California's rivers and streams are currently threatened by pollution, according to a list of impaired waterways submitted by the state to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.