Winner's Interview: Clear Lake Fall Tournament Report October BBT Champions
The 2015 Best Bass Tournaments (BBT) Tournament of Champions (TOC) winners report on fishing to win $20,000 cash on Clear Lake.
Winner's Interview: Clear Lake Fall Tournament Report October BBT Champions
The 2015 Best Bass Tournaments (BBT) Tournament of Champions (TOC) winners report on fishing to win $20,000 cash on Clear Lake.
Winner's Interview: Clear Lake Summertime Tournament Report August BBT Champions
Randy Pringle talks with the BBT first place team at the last tournament of the season for the Northern Region. The team talks about catching the fish to win at Clear Lake on August 29. The three ways they caught 'em, the depth, time of bites and more.
Winner's Interview: Clear LakeTournament Report August 29 BBT Champions
Randy Pringle talks with the BBT first place team at the last tournament of the season for the Northern Region. The team talks about catching the fish to win at Clear Lake on August 29. The three ways they caught 'em, the depth, time of bites and more.
Winner's Interview: Clear Lake Summertime Tournament Report July 18 BBT Champions
Randy talks with the 1st place team. They brought a bag to the scales that weighed just under 30 lbs. They also caught the big fish of the day. Hear how they did it!
Winner's Interview: Clear Lake Summertime Tournament Report BBT Champions
Clear Lake report for a limit that weighed just under 30 lbs and included an 11 lb big fish of the day.
Winner's Interview: Oroville Summertime Tournament Report BBT Champions
Randy talks with the winners of the BBT's tournament at Oroville on June 27, 2015. The Big Fish winner is also part of this team. Hear how they brought the big ones in! They talk about the 8 lb'r at they brought in from Lake Oroville.
Winner's Interview: Oroville Summertime Tournament Report BBT Champions
Randy talks with the winners of the BBT's tournament at Oroville on June 27, 2015. The Big Fish winner is also part of this team. Hear how they brought the big ones in! They talk about the 8 lb'r at they brought in from Lake Oroville
Winner's Interview: Delta Summertime Tournament Report BBT Champions
Winner's report with the 1st place team at the BBT's tournament on the California Delta June 20.
Winner's Interview: Delta Summertime Tournament Report BBT Champions
Winner's report with the 1st place team at the BBT's tournament on the California Delta June 20.
Winner's Interview: Nacimiento Summertime Tournament Report from BBT Champions
Winner's report with the 1st place team at the BBT's tournament at Lake Nacimiento on June 6, 2015.
Nacimiento Summertime Tournament Report from BBT Champions
Winner's report with the 1st place team at the BBT's tournament at Lake Nacimiento on June 6, 2015.
Winner's Interview: Pine Flat Summertime Tournament Report from BBT Champions
Interviews with the first place team at the BBT's tournament at Pine Flat on June 6, 2015 . Hear how they caught the fish that put them in the top spot!
Pine Flat Summertime Tournament Report from BBT Champions
Interviews with the first place team at the BBT's tournament at Pine Flat on June 6, 2015 . Hear how they caught the fish that put them in the top spot!