Steve Buechner wins SoCal TOC at Lake El Capitan

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Steve Buechner wins SoCal TOC at Lake El Capitan

Post by basstrophy »


The So Cal Kayak Anglers held their Tournament of Champions (TOC)at Lake Capitan. Lake Capitan is a lake that one can only fish at, no pleasure boaters only fishermen, must be nice to have such a lake available to anglers only; however, at times, the lake can be busy with many different tournaments going on at the same time. The two-day event found some really nice fish on day-one but on day-two fishing was tough at best.

Once the lines were in and all the fish were submitted, Steve Buechner wins with a two-day total of 177.75” besting second place by more than 7”. Buechner’s day one was 89.75” was good enough for second place and then on day-two his 88.00” pushed him to first place to win the SoCal TOC at Lake Capitan.

“Day-one was great at the start of the day; I had found some fish busting up shallow.” stated Buechner, “I found the fish were up shallow busting bait in about 6-feet of water where I had caught a 19” fish on a fluke.” ... luke/94324 ... oks/155683

“I covered water fishing grass lines in about 6-feet of water with the fluke.” announced Buechner, “The fish were on points more than the pockets and straight banks. I changed up to a 6” Robo Worm in the Margarita color running bank mostly catching fish on points." voiced Buechner, “I then adjusted and started to catch fishing on a weightless Senko in the pockets.” ... eper/47602 ... worm/92482

“The key was to cover water once the fish stopped busting bait around me.” divulged Buechner, “I had caught a few upgrades while running the bank.”

“After day-one, I was in second place with 89” and the first place angler had 99”. It was a huge number to make up on day-two to take the win.” declared Buechner, “Day-two was much more difficult to catch fish compared to day-one.” expressed Buechner, “I never saw any busting fish; however, I did have a limit by 10 AM,”

“Since fishing was tough, I ran the bank with a weightless Senko and drop shot in hopes to catch some bigger fish.” revealed Buechner, “I did catch some fish culling up the smaller 12” fish that I had caught early in the day.” ... nko/151570 ... oks/152463

“I stuck with covering water since this was working compared to using a fluke.” stated Buechner, “A storm came through and I ended up culling some more fish for a day-two total of 88”.

Buechner thanked Fast Lane Kayaks, Heck Electric and Solor, and Hobie Fishing and a special thanks to all the anglers that came out to fish the SoCal kayak angler's events.

Brandon Cabrales is runner up with a two-day total of 170.50”. His day one was 99.00” which was in first place and then his day-two was 71.50”. Cabrales struggled on day-two but still placed in second with his total weight.

“On day-one, it was the best day I had ever caught in length.” disclosed Cabrales, “The first 30 minutes, I had caught a 20.50” and a 17.00” fish on a weightless Senko.” ... oks/152463 ... enko/51550

“It was hot and cloudy the first few hours but soon the weather changed and became dead flat calm which made fishing tough.” expressed Cabrales, “Even though the fish were busting bait around me, it was hard to get my third fish.”

“I decided to move back to where I had started my day and caught two more random fish.” pronounced Cabrales, “At this point, I had 92.5” for a limit at this point.”

“With only two hours left, I decided to move back towards the ramp where there were some trees.” voiced Cabrales, “With only five minutes left of the day, I picked up the X-rap with my BFS system along some brush and caught a 20.75” fish, at first, I thought I was snagged until the line started moving.” ... m-stick-17

“I was feeling on top of the world after catching that fish and having a total length of 99.00” defined Cabrales, “That one fish was amazing to catch with only a few minutes left of my day.”

“Day-two was an up and down day for me.” articulated Cabrales, “It was around noon before I had my first fish in the boat. My mind was running a hundred miles per hour so I had to calm down and fish slow to get my bites.”

“I picked up the drop shot and started to make hundreds of cast in hopes to catch a limit.” vocalized Cabrales, “I was stoked to catch my fist fish around noon.” ... -worm-hook ... worm/92392

“I had to work my Robo worm super slow to get a bite.” enounced Cabrales, “I was happy to get my 71.50” for day-two.”

“It was one of those days where it was crazy stressful knowing you had the lead and now can’t get a bite.” spoken Cabrales, “I even got beat out with the big fish even though we both had the same size fish, a 23.75” fish, but Rachel Uribe caught her fish first.”

Cabrales thanked his family and friends for all their support especially my parents for all their support.

Justing Maupin captured third place with a two-day total of 160.25”. His day one was 83.00” and his day-two was 77.25” pushing him to a third-place finish. On day-one, Maupin chased busting fish to get this limit. Day-two, the busting fish were nowhere to be found so he adjusted to the drop shot to get his limit.

“On day-one, I used the sonar minnow to catch my limit by 9 AM.” spoken Maupin, “I chased the busting fish the entire day to get my limit.”

“It was pretty simple on day-one, I was rigging my sonar minnow a little differently to get my bites compared to the anglers that were around me, I could see them struggling to get bites.” declared Maupin, “Since the sonar minnow was working, I just stuck with it.”

“On day-two, it was a totally different day, it was hard to get a bite.” denoted Maupin, “I did get four fish pretty fast and my fifth fish around noon.” proclaimed Maupin.”

“Day-two, I changed up to a mega bass lure that accounted for all my fish compared to day-one the sonar minnow was the key.” announced Maupin. ... jr-2/51236

“At 2:30 PM, I caught a fish that culled up to get my 77.25” limit.” reported Maupin, “Compared to day-one, day-two was much slower and I caught less keepers.”

Maupin thanked ShredFin his clothing line, YakAttack, Jackson Kayak, and my wife, kids, and friends for all their support with my fishing.

Top Ten:
1. Steve Buechner 177.75”
2. Brandon Cabrales 170.50”
3. Justin Maupin 160.25”
4. Mark Christman 132.50”
5. Marc Tiess 115.25”
6. Raymund Carig 107.75”
7. Rachel Uribe 103.75”
8. Gilbert Garcia 95.00”
9. Sonny Carig 84.75”
10. Ron Kim 84.50”

Big Fish:
Rachel Uribe 23.75”
big fish socal toc.png
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