The GOLDEN MUSSEL REGION- 1st Event coming

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WB Staff
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The GOLDEN MUSSEL REGION- 1st Event coming

Post by WB Staff »

The GOLDEN MUSSEL REGION- 1st Event coming 2/15/25 at Russo's Marina Bethel Island
More information for the Golden Mussel Region
This region will have 4 events this year for the 2025 season.
The Tournament of Champions will be on
September the 13th and 14th of 2025
Where: Delta Russo's.
How will you determine the number of teams that will be attending the TOC?
This will depend on participation, more boats more teams.
How can I enter this tournament?
Just like any other BBT events. You can sign up online the way the system works it will only allow to charge the maximum of $250 because that's the maximum for a regular BBT tournament. If I change one, I have to change them all the same way. So the Golden Mussel group pay the $250 all in you will not have to pay a late fee but you will pay the remaining $100 in cash at the event. The total would be $350. If you want to come and pay in cash at the event it will be $360 total.
How do you do the payout Randy ?
The big fish pool money will be paid 3 spots - 50% 30% 20%, everybody will be in this pool. $50 per team that will come out of the $350 entry.
The payout will be I in 5 paid teams. For every 5 paid entry’s I pay 1.
When do you get paid? Right after the event is done, SAME DAY!
For more information go to
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