$345K SIU studyon farmed largemouth bass eating their own

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WB Staff
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$345K SIU studyon farmed largemouth bass eating their own

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A man is standing outside a 600-gallon tank holding largemouth bass at a fishery
Doctoral student Alexander “Koaw” Zaczek works on one of three 600-gallon tanks holding largemouth bass at a research fishery south of Carbondale. SIU is working with partners using a $324,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to improve intensive aquaculture methods for the fish. BELOW: SIU research assistant Asyeh Sohrabifar, left, and Zaczek,run tests on samples at a lab on the SIU campus as part of the largemouth bass study. (Photos by Russell Bailey)

$345K SIU study focuses on how to keep farmed largemouth bass from eating their own
by Tim Crosby

CARBONDALE, Ill. – The largemouth bass is a popular sportfish among anglers, who know that familiar “thump.” But researchers at Southern Illinois University Carbondale are looking to find better ways to farm it to the table for humans by keeping the infamously cannibalistic species decidedly off its own menu.

Using a two-year, $324,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, SIU researchers are working with Purdue University and local industry partner Big House Fish Farm on improving intensive aquaculture methods for largemouth bass and getting a more productive and predictable yield. The study will conclude this fall.

READ IT ALL: https://news.siu.edu/2024/08/080824-345 ... ir-own.php
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