Calling Dr. Howard...Calling Dr. Howard...Dr.Howard WWN8

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Fast Eddie
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Calling Dr. Howard...Calling Dr. Howard...Dr.Howard WWN8

Post by Fast Eddie »

So, where have all the big fish gone? far from our area I see.
So after the BassHole stop, I bypass the taqueria and go for hamburger instead (big mistake superstition wise :D )and off to Ladd's. Somethings feeling wrong. There are no big rigs slowing traffic on 4. But wait, there is construction on the bridge Stockton slough, but after that it's smooth sailing. Then on 5, I pass Mr. "My live well doesn't work" heading to Ladd's. Hope he's got it fixed. Josh is already there and as I unload I see the bearded one. While chatting, I find out that he's still owed money from a second place finish several years ago. I hope the organization does the right thing and gets him paid.....with interest.(It's not BBT or New Gen in case your wondering). Then the usual chit chat with John and Brayden, and Firuz, Phil and Aaron, when Richard and Gerry arrive. Time to gooooo. 8:50 weigh in time, and off we go, but there's an immediate problem.......a tug setting up an empty barge for the dredging project outside of Ladds is going to block the entire river. We just squeak by, with no other incidents on the way to spot 1. Were not at spot 1 10 minutes, when Josh hangs his crankbait on a tule. Whipping his rod around (get out of the gutter you guys :lol: ) the lure pops free and like an arrow shot from a crossbow implants a Japanese treble past the barb into the knee. I ask him if he wants me to get some braid and he says no, take the front. I continue to fish while Josh bravely fiddles with his dilemma. About 15 minutes go by and he's still fiddling with the hooks. He finally says I'll cut some braid, but I don't know if we can get the right angle because the hook is in the fleshy spot next to the knee cap. I put the anchor lock system on and go back to evaluate. As a corpsman in the Navy, my assessment is we can still get the right angle, but need to get one shot at it. Now to my surprise, not only is the lure gone and the ring I'm only looking at the treble, with the braid set to go. I have Josh press the eye down and proceed with the count down.#,2,1 pop the treble bounces off my knee and onto the carpet. Josh puts a band aid on and we're good to go.
It takes us until after 6 to finally find bigger fish than 1 1/2 lbrs. We're now in the 2-3lb category. Ok we need one big bite. Where are all the top water fish from the week before? There is a ton of bait., we've matched the hatch, but my thought goes to what Caleb and I were talking about at the ramp. The moon. All our bigger fish seem to have come when the moon was up. Whether full or crescent. No moon tonight. It's late.... dump the fish(11lbs) and to the ramp we go. Now here's where it gets weird again. Apparently everyone caught them. Not only did the weigh in line stretch around the lot partially blocking the exit (which there was plenty of room to pull up and form 2 linesbut Noooo. Never mind my blood pressure can't take it. Then there's the livewell issue on one of the boats in front of me. (not the same guy). THe livewell isn't working I hear them say. My thought is both livewells? If not switch the fish over to the working one. Why did it stop working now? Did the battery run down. Oh well, I hope the fish made it.
Congats to Lemaj and Kent for a solid 22 even. Whyat a bag. Dan and Vince with 2nd and a 7.92 2nd BF. Geno, fishing by himself took 5th with a 8.15 BF. Took 16.38 to cash.
PS for those younguns, the thumbnail refers to the 3 stooges.
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Re: Calling Dr. Howard...Calling Dr. Howard...Dr.Howard WWN8

Post by JL »

Actually! Lmao! It's.Calling Dr Howard, Dr Fine, Dr Howard from what I remember? Great story as usual Fast Eddie! Keep the YUCKS coming! You are the best entertainment on this site! Bar none! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Calling Dr. Howard...Calling Dr. Howard...Dr.Howard WWN8

Post by monte300 »

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Re: Calling Dr. Howard...Calling Dr. Howard...Dr.Howard WWN8

Post by JL »

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk! ! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Fast Eddie
Posts: 351
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Re: Calling Dr. Howard...Calling Dr. Howard...Dr.Howard WWN8

Post by Fast Eddie »

Gentlemen......Gentlemen........There was only 1 stooge on that vessel.....hence only the Dr. Howard reference :lol:
Oh yeah, it wasn't Josh.
Posts: 1190
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Re: Calling Dr. Howard...Calling Dr. Howard...Dr.Howard WWN8

Post by monte300 »

Fast Eddie wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 8:44 am Gentlemen......Gentlemen........There was only 1 stooge on that vessel.....hence only the Dr. Howard reference :lol:
Oh yeah, it wasn't Josh.
:mrgreen: we love your consistency Fast Eddie!
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