Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

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Brian Linehan
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Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by Brian Linehan »

By no means am I a conservationist, but this documentary was really good. It's on Animal planet right now and it's about slaughtering of dolphins in Japan. Definitely worth watching.
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by some guy »

yeah ive seen it before.. crazy huh?

south park even did a spoof episode on it. So good.
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by biteme »

Yeah it was a real eye opener. I was just in shock!
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by Guy Williams »

Seen my daughter DVRed it last night. I'm sure I'll be watching it at some point! :?
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by Guy Williams »

Oh yeah, I tried to catch dolphins before but damn tuna kept eating the rig before them dolphins knew what to do; damn lousy tuna! :lol:
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by Susp3nc3 »

Ya pretty messed up.... I dont get why they would even want to eat them since the crazy mercury levels...then feeding to school kids gdamn! If they want to sell and train them thats one thing but eating them is pretty dumb
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by Brian Linehan »

Yeah, I agree....pretty crazy!

It's very easy to empathize with the conservationists and be upset with Japan. However, are us Westerners any different? If someone shot a propoganda film revolving around a slaughter house, I would imagine it would be pretty horrific! Don't we do the same thing, but just with another animal?
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by elfish16 »

yes this movie is quite moving for sure! I recommend it hands down, and like most everyone on here I am no tree hugger and such. Regardless this is insane to see what there people do to them!
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by Wolfeman »

The 'other' animals we do this to are animals that are raised on farms.
A bit different in my mind.
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by mark poulson »

Brian Linehan wrote:Yeah, I agree....pretty crazy!

It's very easy to empathize with the conservationists and be upset with Japan. However, are us Westerners any different? If someone shot a propoganda film revolving around a slaughter house, I would imagine it would be pretty horrific! Don't we do the same thing, but just with another animal?
I agree, it is kind of hypocritical.
Their cultural values are different than ours, but our culture in the U.S. isn't any better, it's only different.
All living things are deserving of respect. To me, that means not taking a life for sport without using the meat. It is a sin to waste a life.
Dolphins are smart, cattle are bred by us to be dumb and fat, but neither one is any better than the other. That goes for us humans, too. We just happen to be at the top of the food chain.
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Seared Doplhin

Post by one fish wonder »

Seared Dolphin is real good tasting. Taste a bit like bald eagle and garibaldi. :shock:

Re: Seared Doplhin

Post by Cooch »

For me the most disturbing part I guess is the fact that the little city this all takes place in, potrays to the world thier love and adoration for the Dolphins, as well as the whales. Then there's this behind the scenes massacre for profit going down.

Much like what we see in Whale Wars, let's slaughter 1000 whales a year and call it research. Why is it the Japanese gotta have a factory ship, that processes and packages the whale parts, clearly they are not telling the world the truth. Has anyone seen any of the "research results" from these Southern artic Whaling missions. Long live the Steve Irwin and the Bob Barker!

Just kinda ironic it's the Japanese that are caught up in these two issues, and someone on the planet has decided to expose and broadcast both issues on TV.
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by biteme »

mark poulson wrote:
Brian Linehan wrote:Yeah, I agree....pretty crazy!

It's very easy to empathize with the conservationists and be upset with Japan. However, are us Westerners any different? If someone shot a propoganda film revolving around a slaughter house, I would imagine it would be pretty horrific! Don't we do the same thing, but just with another animal?
I agree, it is kind of hypocritical.
Their cultural values are different than ours, but our culture in the U.S. isn't any better, it's only different.
All living things are deserving of respect. To me, that means not taking a life for sport without using the meat. It is a sin to waste a life.
Dolphins are smart, cattle are bred by us to be dumb and fat, but neither one is any better than the other. That goes for us humans, too. We just happen to be at the top of the food chain.
A lot of them were just killed and left to sink, I would say 70% of them. We dont do that in a slaughter house do we?
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by mark poulson »

The waste of life is wrong.
I don't know what goes on in a slaughter house.
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Re: Seared Doplhin

Post by 2ndsuks »

Cooch wrote: Has anyone seen any of the "research results" from these Southern artic Whaling missions. Long live the Steve Irwin and the Bob Barker!
I hope they stick a harpoon in that idiot of a captain! :lol:
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Post by some guy »

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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by davet. »

Brian Linehan wrote:Yeah, I agree....pretty crazy!

It's very easy to empathize with the conservationists and be upset with Japan. However, are us Westerners any different? If someone shot a propoganda film revolving around a slaughter house, I would imagine it would be pretty horrific! Don't we do the same thing, but just with another animal?
Much different: Domestic animals are not native or a part of the natural food chain. Dolphins are, and all life on earth is dependant on others and in one way or another, we are too.
But the impacts are too gradual to feel, so changes are hard to make.
Unless our biological impact on the planet feels like a punch in the face, change is hard to induce.
The japanese went as far as blaming the dolphins for the demise of the fisheries, but we know who is really to blame.
This show is meant to feel like a punch in the face, and it should.
Good show!

P.S. The local japanese were trying to induce the activists to react with violence so they would be arrested. I'll bet I'd get them to punch first.
I would have just said "HIROSHIMA", and said BOOM, while gesturing a big mushroom cloud with my hands and laughing hysterically. aint rocket science!
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by Brian Linehan »

I would have just said "HIROSHIMA", and said BOOM, while gesturing a big mushroom cloud with my hands and laughing hysterically.
Yeah, me too. Can I come with you? lol
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by davet. »

Also, at which point in history (after they provoked us to open a can of whoop-a$$) did we lose our earned right to bitch slap em any time we feel like it?
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by Ringer »

Americans can be a pompous lot. We let the natives in Alaska kill whales, seals and polar bear because it is their cultural tradition and they were there first. This is actually an old film and these people have been killing the dolphins long before we were a country. We don't like it because they are flipper yet we crowd poultry and cattle and whack'em and stack'em. There is no difference between a dolphin a cow or a dog. They all are alive until we decide to kill them for food.
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by davet. »

Ringer wrote:Americans can be a pompous lot. We let the natives in Alaska kill whales, seals and polar bear because it is their cultural tradition and they were there first. This is actually an old film and these people have been killing the dolphins long before we were a country. We don't like it because they are flipper yet we crowd poultry and cattle and whack'em and stack'em. There is no difference between a dolphin a cow or a dog. They all are alive until we decide to kill them for food.
Oh there you are. PETA was looking for you! (ya better check in, they're getting worried) aint rocket science!
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by mark poulson »

Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they should be open for ridicule.
Grow up.
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by davet. »

mark poulson wrote:Davet.
Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they should be open for ridicule.
Grow up.
Mark Poulson
So, you pansies are vegatarians, right?
No leather shoes, belts or jackets, right? If so, your part of the problem that you whine about.
Go lick some cow a$$, it'll make their day.
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by Ringer »

Dave-PETA better not find me or they will look like the elk, bear or whatever else I choose to hunt. My point is we judge other cultures when it is none of our business. Lot of hypocrisy due to Flipper and Bambi around here.
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by davet. »

Atta boy Ringer, I knew you didn't need your big sister (Mark) sticking up for you. aint rocket science!
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by Susp3nc3 »

The US def needs better ways of slaughtering animals but that dolphin slaughter is messed up. At least kill them fast ... or don't make them watch their offspring die. Fish are no doubt pretty stupid but i still give them a quick death. The japanese lies and abusing the system pisses me off as well. If they can whale then others should. why do they get that privilege to boost their economy?

On another note... i do not support whaling whatsoever

If you haven't seen the southpark episode about the "japanese" and dolphins / whales then definitely watch it lol...
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by Sinjin Kim »

It is sad indeed. I guess many of the Japanese and folks from other parts of the world (it isn't only the Japanese who practice in killing dolphins and whales) simply have different views when it comes to killing of social animals.

When I see whale wars, I wish the U.S. Navy would simply sink one of them and call it an "accident", just like the whalers call it "research."
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by Ringer »

I watch whale wars hoping the whalers will shoot a harpoon through that fat captain.
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by WishinIwerFishin »

I watched "The Cove" and it looked cruel and all, especially when they explained their inteligence and conciousness. I felt bad watching it, seeing them kill flipper..... Then right after I watched that I watched "Swamp People", guys traping and killing multiple gators to sell for their skin mostly and felt nothing..... Talk about hypocrytical.

AS for us killing cows, pigs or chickens, not even close to being the same. .... All the hundreds of thousands of animals slaughtered in our meat factories wouldn't be alive if we didn't need them for food. I think it's wrong to rape any natural resource close to extinction, a couple hundred years ago we had no hunting regulations and everyone hunted for food, if we didn't change "the way we have been doing this for years" the how much wild life would be left? Thats why we have limits on fish, duck and other game, and tags for deer. How about all you can kill all deer season? I dont think we would be very happy when they are all gone. I hunt and eat what I kill, but I respect nature and don't take more than I need. The killing of any of natures creatures should be regulated, regardless where it's done. It's not about being a tree hugging vegan pansie, it's about not wanting to give up the things I value.
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by BuckSnort »

WishinIwerFishin wrote:I watched "The Cove" and it looked cruel and all, especially when they explained their inteligence and conciousness. I felt bad watching it, seeing them kill flipper..... Then right after I watched that I watched "Swamp People", guys traping and killing multiple gators to sell for their skin mostly and felt nothing..... Talk about hypocrytical.

AS for us killing cows, pigs or chickens, not even close to being the same. .... All the hundreds of thousands of animals slaughtered in our meat factories wouldn't be alive if we didn't need them for food. I think it's wrong to rape any natural resource close to extinction, a couple hundred years ago we had no hunting regulations and everyone hunted for food, if we didn't change "the way we have been doing this for years" the how much wild life would be left? Thats why we have limits on fish, duck and other game, and tags for deer. How about all you can kill all deer season? I dont think we would be very happy when they are all gone. I hunt and eat what I kill, but I respect nature and don't take more than I need. The killing of any of natures creatures should be regulated, regardless where it's done. It's not about being a tree hugging vegan pansie, it's about not wanting to give up the things I value.
+1... Your post is spot on!
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by mark poulson »

BuckSnort wrote:
WishinIwerFishin wrote:I watched "The Cove" and it looked cruel and all, especially when they explained their inteligence and conciousness. I felt bad watching it, seeing them kill flipper..... Then right after I watched that I watched "Swamp People", guys traping and killing multiple gators to sell for their skin mostly and felt nothing..... Talk about hypocrytical.

AS for us killing cows, pigs or chickens, not even close to being the same. .... All the hundreds of thousands of animals slaughtered in our meat factories wouldn't be alive if we didn't need them for food. I think it's wrong to rape any natural resource close to extinction, a couple hundred years ago we had no hunting regulations and everyone hunted for food, if we didn't change "the way we have been doing this for years" the how much wild life would be left? Thats why we have limits on fish, duck and other game, and tags for deer. How about all you can kill all deer season? I dont think we would be very happy when they are all gone. I hunt and eat what I kill, but I respect nature and don't take more than I need. The killing of any of natures creatures should be regulated, regardless where it's done. It's not about being a tree hugging vegan pansie, it's about not wanting to give up the things I value.
+1... Your post is spot on!
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by some guy »

Susp3nc3 wrote:The US def needs better ways of slaughtering animals but that dolphin slaughter is messed up. At least kill them fast ... or don't make them watch their offspring die. Fish are no doubt pretty stupid but i still give them a quick death. The japanese lies and abusing the system pisses me off as well. If they can whale then others should. why do they get that privilege to boost their economy?

On another note... i do not support whaling whatsoever

If you haven't seen the southpark episode about the "japanese" and dolphins / whales then definitely watch it lol...
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by fish_food »

The pansies who support the ban on killing dolphins and whales are probably the same animal rights weenies who oppose the sale of ivory, gorilla hand ashtrays, elephant foot umbrella stands and Jivarro shrunken heads!!!!

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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by Brian Linehan »

yeah...and lambskin condoms!
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Re: Anyone Watch "The Cove?"

Post by offduty »

Brian Linehan wrote:yeah...and lambskin condoms!
gator skin. for her pleasure.
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