Deep Water Spooning images..

Moderators: Doug Vahrenberg, Triton Mike

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Triton Mike
Posts: 299
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Deep Water Spooning images..

Post by Triton Mike »

Sometimes your the windshield and sometimes your the bug. I was the bug on this day. These are giant stripers.. I hooked one for about a minute and had her pull off. :(. Big stripes are tough to get on spoons. I knew this was going to be a tough sell but I always try for them when I see them on the sonar. They are very smart fish and very difficult to coax into biting at least on my homelake they are. I wish I had a image to show you the arches that I saw initially.

Here is a little play by play. You can see I got one hypnotized in image #1 but I couldn't seal the deal :(. Just goes to show you just because there are fish nearby doesn't mean you can catch them. You can see in image 3 I had to change things up cadence wise. They didn't like what I was doing with them cadence wise so I changed it up. I stayed with these fish for about a half hour playing with them.



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