Gearing Up for the Season with Fred Roumbanis

As the new season begins each year, anglers everywhere are busy prepping tackle, doing map study, and planning for a successful tournament season. There is always a lot of behind the scenes work for professional anglers like Fred Roumbanis, who make sure they get in orders for everything they might need on a schedule that takes them across the country on many diverse fisheries. Part of his yearly routine is stocking up on Lucas Oil products and he's found many helpful ways to use them on his boat, truck, outboard, and reel, including some unique ways to use them.

Appearance Products

Lucas Oil has a whole line of appearance products that make your boat and truck look like new and Roumbanis is a huge fan of them all, especially Slick Mist.

"It's so easy to use and makes your boat look brand new," he said. "The other day, I had a photoshoot with one of my sponsors and had to make my boat look brand new. I didn't even wash the boat and truck; I just wiped it all down after spraying Slick Mist on and it looked amazing."

While this product is best known for cleaning glass, chrome, and vinyl wraps, another pro tipped him off to a unique way to use it.

"He told me how great it works for cleaning your graphs and I had to try it myself," he said. "I was blown away by how well it worked and since it doesn't collect dust, it makes them look brand new. Just wipe them down with a clean microfiber cloth and they will be crystal clear."

The Tow Rig

Roumbanis and many other pros rely on diesel trucks to pull their boats tens of thousands of miles each season. He makes sure that he takes excellent care of his rig with the diesel-specific products from Lucas Oil, including the Diesel Deep Clean.

"It's something I can do to keep my truck running the best I can," he said. "It's so easy to add it to your fuel and all of the additives are great. We put a lot of miles on our trucks each year and it keeps it running great."

Reel Oil

One thing that never leaves Roumbanis' boat is a bottle of Lucas Reel Oil. The precision needle applicator makes it easy to add a drop to tight spaces on a reel quickly and it has saved him many times.

"You normally think of all of the dirt and dust that collects in the reel and this product does great for making the reel smooth again, but I also use it when I am fishing around thick grass," he said. "Those little fragments of grass that are cut by the braid can get stuck in the little parts so easily. The Reel Oil does a good job of keeping that area clean, so you don't get the stiff retrieve. Just add a drop every now and then."

Fuel Treatment

Most bass anglers have likely heard of the dangers of ethanol in gasoline for outboards by now, but it is still a significant issue. To prevent any possible damage, Roumbanis likes to add Lucas Safeguard Ethanol Fuel Conditioner with Stabilizers when he's at the pump.

One way to avoid the issue is to get ethanol-free fuel, but those stations are few and far between in some parts of the country.

"Around home, I'm lucky that we have good ethanol-free stations, but if not, I am adding a fuel treatment," said Roumbanis. "It's simple to do, and I haven't had a single issue with my fuel since using it. That's saying something because we get gas at some sketchy places along the tournament trail. You can also get away with a lower octane fuel by adding a fuel treatment."

Marine Grease

There are many areas on a boat that can use some grease every now and then, but Roumbanis points to the hydraulic jackplate as the first thing he watches.

"Around here, I'm always fishing shallow on sand bars and mud and the jackplate will need some grease often," he said. "I just add some Lucas Marine Grease right on the plate where it moves up and down and it is much smoother afterward. It's simple, super fast and your plate will also be much quieter. I think adding a dab to your plate with your finger and wiping it with a rag is even easier than greasing the fittings."

The prospect of a new season is always exciting as the boat and gear are all ready for another tournament season. A little preventative maintenance can go a long way to keep everything running and working smoothly.